Why does Aetna keep giving me inconsistent info about my benefits?

I asked Aetna if a routine cervical cancer screening was covered. The person told me yes, it is covered at 80% after my deductible is met. A few days later I was on the member website for my plan, and saw something that said that well-woman exams are covered at 100%. I assumed cervical cancer screenings are included in that. So I contacted Aetna again, and asked again. This new person said yes, cervical cancer screenings are covered at 100% regardless if the deductible is met.

Next situation. I have been trying to find out for literally this entire year if a specific PCP is in network for me. I get a different answer every time. Although the doctor is not listed in the online directory, I called once just to make sure, and to my surprise they said that doctor is in my network. Throughout the course of the year, I have probably asked about 15 different times and I keep getting different answers. I contact Aetna mostly thru their email function on the member website because I like to have things in writing, but I have called numerous times to ask as well (not sure if this matters). I’d say 70% of the time they tell me yes, said doctor is in network. 30% of the time, they tell me no, she’s not in network. I sent in a complaint and got ahold of someone who seemed to be higher up than the rest and seemed more knowledgable. I explained my frustration to her. She assured me that yes, this doctor is in network for my plan, and that the doctor doesn’t show up in the directory because of “legislative or legal requirements” (???). I asked why I keep getting different answers from different Aetna reps, she said because they might not be looking in the correct place for my in network doctors and it might get confusingly for them. Okay, great to know the Aetna reps we talk to aren’t properly trained and are giving us incorrect information. At this point I do not trust any information they tell me.

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This is precisely why I have not been to a doctor in years. I’m so fed up