I left my job 18 Months ago. I signed up for some sort of Covid relief act where the government was picking up my cobra payments. I thought of this is first and last September, and I spoke to someone at one point who told me it might last until someone called the end of the pandemic, but seems pretty unclear. So 18 months later I got a letter from my old employers benefits center saying my cobra was coming to an end at the end of August which tracks on the 18 months. At that time though they also said they had no record of anyone paying my health insurance. We are a large family and we have use the heck out of health insurance and never received any bills. Should I go ahead and buy health insurance, I’m scared to call in case they decide to come back at us for all of our medical bills, but I know a good thing when I got one I’d love to keep writing this gravy train if possible. Has anybody ever heard of anything like this? I don’t wanna essentially turn myself in by asking too many questions but any advice would be gladly appreciated.

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