Who is liable for the incorrect plan being advertised?

Not sure if this is even the right subreddit for a question like this – but my workplace (a public school system in a major city) has a Kaiser plan. In all the materials given to us, the Kaiser plan has an Individual AND a Family deductible/out of pocket maximum (I even double checked today – and it still says that).

I had a major illness earlier this year which will cost a significant amount every year for the rest of my life – I will blow past the individual deductible in one month and the individual out of pocket maximum in 3.

So, recently, I got a charge that didn't make sense to me, so I contacted Kaiser – apparently, according to their records, we don't have individual deductibles and out of pocket maximums – only family ones (which are basically 2x the individual rates).

This is obviously a major expense difference for me – and I'm just wondering who screwed up here? And is this even something that can get rectified retroactively?

Both Kaiser and my HR group are being very slow in giving any response.

submitted by /u/hopefully_nice

See also  Healthcare spending for individuals with FSAs and HSAs