Whining: Well, it happened. Rebroke my foot due to insurance denials and failed appeals.

I've been covered by a major insurance company (BCBS Carefirst Gold) for most of my life, same company on and off as I flipped through jobs. Broke my foot (lisfranc fracture https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22237-lisfranc-fracture) Pretty serious to include all of my metatarsals and serious fracture of primary toe bone. Admitted to hospital via emergency care, surgery to apply pins and bulky cast to reduce swelling. Admitted to for-profit rehab facility after 1 week recovery in hospital, as that was what was available. Confirmed with insurance that coverage was still applied and my deductible renewal would start on the next month.

In rehab with daily PT sessions for less than two weeks when the front office stated that there were billing issues with major insurance. Two days later I was informed that major insurance declared that I was not making significant progress and should be sent home. With no additional nursing care or assistance.

I continued to pay out-of-pocket for the remaining 1.5 months, including PT daily. Major leaps and bounds in recovery, but my bill was so huge that I had to close out several retirement accounts to pay the rehab costs. All while appealing each additional denial from major insurance. Filed grievances with local state and insurance company state of origin, and got the run-around. The last week of my rehab, all pins were removed and a walking boot was provided so I could go home. And rebroke my foot after 2 weeks home. Uggghh!

TLDR: Insurance refused to cover proper care payments and shortened my recovery to 15 days, causing me to pay out-of-pocket for PT recovery. With all due caution I rebroke my foot and will have to have surgery to fixate the bones with plates and screws, recovery time has increased exponentially.

See also  Kaiser HMO vs Anthem BCBS HSA?

submitted by /u/talltatanka