Hey guys, 36 year old single female with no offspring, hypothyroidism, bipolar type II, ADHD, drug user, no major health issues except I hurt a lot, but I’m pretty sure that’s because my brain chemicals are imbalanced and I am unmedicated. Had a lesion on my cervix way back when, like early 20s, no issues since. Also had Lasix twice. So i was approved for life 594 dollars of credit for health insurance, and the first year I got Obamacare, I got blue cross blue shield with 0 premium, and loved it. However, this year there are a lot more options. I know about as much about health insurance as I do taxes, which is that it’s something adults are supposed to do. So, I have come to the interwebs for assistance, for some of you know a whole lot more than I. Also I live in a small town in western North Carolina, about an hour and a half from Asheville and two hours from Atlanta. There were 4,175 people in my town in 2020 according to Google. Also, I would love to have the abilify shot covered, as it is like 4k without insurance.

Aetna CVS health: Silver S: aetna network of doctors and hospitals +, 0$minuteclinic +0$ telehealth 24/7 0.00 monthly premium, 0$ deductible (health and drug combined) out of pocket maximum 1700. Emergency room care both in and out of network 25% generic drugs no charge, preferred brand drugs in network 15$, out of network not covered, non preferred brand drugs in network 50, out of network not covered, specialty drugs in network 150, out of network not covered. primary doctor no charge, specialist 10. No national provider network, does not need referral to see specialist. Inpatient doctor and surgical in network 25% out of network not covered, inpatient hospital services in network 25%, out of network not covered. Accupuncture no charge in network, out of network not covered. Chiropractor in network no charge out not covered, mental health in network 25%, outpatient rehab in network no charge out of network not. Does not cover the abilify shot

Silver 2: Aetna network of doctors and hospitals+0 minuteclinic+0telehealth 24/7 HMO 0 monthly premium, 0 deductible, out of pocket maximum 2800, does not cover the shot, primary 5, specialist 10, x-rays and diagnostic imaging 10%, lab work 10%, outpatient 10%, generic drugs no charge, preferred brand drugs 25, noon preferred brand drugs 35%, specialty drugs 50%, no national provider network, does not need referral to see specialist. Emergency room 10%, both in and out of network, inpatient doctor and surgical 10% in, inpatient hospital stay 10%, Accupuncture 5 in network. Chiropractic in network 5, mental health outpatient 5 in network, mental health inpatient 10% in network.

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Amerihealth caritas next silver +free telemedicine+free preventive care +healthy rewards HMO 35.18 monthly premium, 0 deductible, out of pocket maximum 1700, primary in network no charge out of network not covered, specialist in network $10, X-rays and diagnostic in network 25%, laboratory outpatient and professional services 25% in network, outpatient facility in network 25%, outpatient professional services in network 25%, generic drugs in network no charge, preferred brand drugs in network 15, non preferred brand drugs and Network 50, specialty drugs and Network 150, emergency room in network 25% out of network 25%, inpatient doctor and surgical services in network 25%, inpatient hospital services in network 25%, acupuncture not covered, chiropractic and Network 25%, mental behavioral health outpatient services in network no charge, mental behavioral health inpatient services in network 25% does cover the abilify shot and Vyvanse but does not cover the local mental health providers

Blue advantage silver preferred – $0 deductible – $0 PCP – $0 tier one prescription – integrated-nationwide doctors – PPO $66 monthly premium, a $0 deductible, covers the shot and Vyvanse, primary in network no charge, out of network 30%, specialist in network $20, out of network 60%, X-rays and diagnostic imaging, in network 30%, out of network 60%, outpatient facility in network 30%, out Network 60%, outpatient professional services, in network 30%, out of network 60%, generic drugs no charge in network out of network no charge, preferred brand drugs in network 50% coinsurance after deductible, out of network 50%, non preferred brand drugs and network 50%, out of network 50%, specialty drugs in network 50%, out of network 50%, emergency room and network 30% out of network 30%, inpatient 30% in network, out of network 60%, and patient hospital stays in network 30% out of network 60%, acupuncture not covered, chiropractic in network 20, out of network 60%, in mental health in network no charge, out of network 30%, mental health impatient in network 30%, out of network 60%, and they cover the local mental health people

Silver 1: Aetna network of doctors and hospitals plus $0 minute clinic plus $0 telehealth 24/7 $28.70 monthly premium, is your daughter deductible, out of pocket maximum 765, it does not cover the shot, primary Care in network no charge out of network not covered, specialist visit in network $30 out of network not covered x-rays 30% in network, out of network not covered, laboratory outpatient professional services in network 30%, out of network not covered, outpatient facility in network 30% outpatient professional services in network 30% generic drugs in network $5 out of network not covered, preferred brand drugs in network $25, non-preferred brand drugs and network 40% specialty drugs in network 50% emergency room care and network 30% out of network 30% impatient doctor and surgical services in network 30% out of network not covered inpatient hospital services in network 30% out of network not covered, acupuncture in network no charge out of network not covered, chiropractic care and network no charge mental behavioral health outpatient services in network no charge out of network not covered, mental health behavioral inpatient in network 30% out of network not covered

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Silver 3: Aetna network of doctors and hospitals plus $0 in the clinic plus $0 telehealth 24/7 HMO $18.18 monthly premium, a $0 deductible, $2,900 out of pocket maximum, it does not cover the shot, in network primary Care visit $10, out of network not covered, specialist visit in network $20, X-rays and sick imaging in network no charge, laboratory outpatient professional services in network no charge, outpatient facility and network 10%, outpatient professional services and network 10%, generic drugs and network no charge , preferred brand drugs in network $25, non-preferred brand drugs in Network 35%, emergency room care and network $100 out of network $100, inpatient doctor and surgical services in network 10%, out of network not covered, inpatient hospital services in network 10% out of network not covered, acupuncture and network $10, chiropractic care and network $10, mental health outpatient services and network $10, mental health inpatient in network 10%, outpatient rehabilitation services and network $20

Blue advantage silver standard $0, Nationwide doctors PPO $88.19 monthly premium, is your daughter deductible, 1700 out of pocket maximum, covers the shot and the vyvanse, primary care in network no charge, out of network 30%, specialist in network $10, out of network 55%, x-rays yl diagnostic imaging in network 25% out of network 55%, laboratory outpatient and professional services in network 25% out of network 55%, outpatient facility in network 25% out of network 55%, outpatient professional services in network 25%, out of network 55%, a generic drugs in network and out network no charge, preferred brand drugs in network $15 out of network $15, non-preferred brand drugs in network and out of network $50, specialty drugs both in and out of network $150, emergency room care both in and out of network 25%, inpatient and doctor and surgical services in network 25% out of network 55%, impatient hospital services in network 25% out of network 55%, acupuncture not covered, chiropractic Care in network no charge out of network 30%, mental behavioral health outpatient in network no charge out of network 30% mental health behavioral and patient in network 25% out of network 55%, outpatient rehabilitative services no charge and network 30% charge out of network

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CareSource marketplace standard silver 3 dental vision fitness HMO $65 premium $0 deductible, a $1,700 individual out-of-pocket maximum, covers the shot, primary Care in network no charge out of network and not happening, specialist visit in network $10, X-rays and diagnostic in network 25%, laboratory outpatient professional services in network 25%, outpatien facility 25%, routine eye exam for adults in network no charge, generic drugs and network no charge, preferred brand drugs and network $15, non-preferred brand drugs and networks, specialty drugs in network hundred fifty dollars, emergency room in network 25% out of network 25%, impatient doctor and surgical in network 25%, and patient hospital stays in network 25% routine dental care in network no charge, basic dental care and network 15%, major dental work in network 40%, acupuncture not covered, coverage care and network 25%, mental health outpatient in network no charge, mental health inpatient and network 25%

Blue advantage silver choice-0 deductible-3 free pcp/4 tier 1 prescription/nationwide doctors PPO $93.44 premium, $0 deductible, $975 out of pocket maximum, covers the shot and vyvanse, primary care and network $4 out of network 70%, a specialist visit in network $25 out of network 70%, x-rays in network 40%, out of network 70%, laboratory and professional services in network 40%, out of network 70%, outpatient facility in network 40% out of network 70%, outpatient professional services and network 40%, out of network 70%, generic drugs in network $4 dollars out of network $4, preferred brand drugs in network 20 out of network 20, non-preferred brand drugs in network $80 out of network $80, specialty drugs in network, 50% out of network 50%, emergency room in network 40% out of network 40%, inpatient doctor and surgical in network 40% out of network 70%, impatient hospital services in network 40 out of network 70, acupuncture not covered, chiropractic care and network 25 out of network 70%, mental health outpatient in network $4, out of network 70%, mental health inpatient in network 40%, out of network 70%

Okay, that’s a whole lot of shit to read, and if I had a keyboard I could have made it a lot easier on the eyes, but I do not have access to one at the moment. So any advice about health insurance that you feel is pertinent e please comment. I don’t know anything about it so everything is welcome and appreciated thank you