
I'm not sure which of these two plans would be a better value for me. I will have kind of a lot of medication (probably mostly generic) and mental/behavioral health costs and probably a decent amount of PCP visits as well, but not too much (Could be every 3 months for controlled substance Rx, but I am going to try to get a non-controlled alternative). The provider is Florida Blue and my two options are 14471 BlueCare Essential HSA (HMO) for $101.22 bi-weekly or 18756 SimplyBlue Predictable Cost (HMO) for $130.96 bi-weekly. Initially I was going to go straight for the latter as the deductible is about half of the other one and it's only $60 more per month, but the HSA covers just about 100% after the deductible. Also, I'm not sure what Value Choice Provider means, so I don't know if that will be relevant.

I guess I can't add pics of benefit details, so here's a spreadsheet:

TIA for any advice!

|| || ||BlueCare HSA|SimplyBlue | |Bi -Weekly Cost|$101.22|$130.96| |Deductible (Indiv)|$6,650|$3,500| |OOP Max (Indiv)|$6,650|$8,000| |PCP Visit|$0 after deductible|Value Choice Provider: $0, deductible does not apply. Other: $35 copay.| |Specialist Visit|$0 after deductible|VC Specialist: $20 copay. Other Specialist: $75 copay| |Specialist Referral Needed?|No|No| |Virtual Visits|$0 after deductible|PC: $0, deductible does not apply. Specialist: $75 copay| |Preventative Care|$0, deductible does not apply|$0, deductible does not apply | |Mental/Behavioral|$0 after deductible|$0 deductible does not apply| |Generic Drugs|Preventative & Condition Care: $0, deductible does not apply Other generic: $0 after deductible|Preventative: $0, deductible does not apply. Condition Care: $4 copay. Low Cost: $30 copay. High Cost: $50 copay| |Preferred Brand Drugs|Condition Care: $0, deductible does not apply. Other: $0 after deductible |Condition Care: $40 copay. Other: $50 copay| |Non-preferred|$0 after deductible|Deductible +50% coinsurance| |Specialty|$0 after deductible|Deductible + 50% coinsurance|

See also  I'm being charged $10k from a facility from my insurance, despite the facility saying I owe them nothing

submitted by /u/kitcat37