Hi there, my employer offers two options and I think I know the answer but this is my first time choosing my own insurance and would love reassurance. They are both Cigna plans, the first is a copay plan that is 100% employer covered with a FSA. The annual deductible is $2600, with $25 copays, and 80% coinsurance at hospital and urgent care, 100% for specialists, primary care, and ER. Annual out of pocket max is $5200.

The second plan is a HSA plan with an annual cost of $900. It features an employer contribution to the HSA of $500 annually. The annual deductible is $1500, and coinsurance is 100% after deductible. Annual out of pocket max is $2600.

I am in relatively good health, but have an ICD needing a battery change in 2024-2025, and see a variety of specialists. I have been hospitalized a fair amount, and have had to visit an urgent care a few times this year. I take 2 medications daily.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Alange655

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