Hello I was hoping I could get any guidance on which plan to choose for my family. My wife and I are 30 with 1yo. We are doing oral immunotherapy for our baby who has an allergy. This is going to require us to have visits every 2 weeks for at least the next 6 months. There will be follow up blood testing after the 6 month mark. There is also the need to have an epi pen. My wife is in good health currently and does not visit the doctor often. I also do not visit the doctor often but plan to get evaluated more routinely in the coming year (family history of hypertension and high cholesterol) which may require medication if diagnosed. We are not planning on getting pregnant this year but plan to in the future. We like to maximize the contribution of our hsa (we have been on the ppo $1500 deductible plan this past year) but understand that it is not always in the best interest to have a high deductible plan. For reference we are at $1,200 of our $3,000 deductible this year which includes post pregnancy care and some early allergy visits. When do the triple tax advantages of the hsa outweigh the higher premiums, deductibles and out of pocket maximums of these plans? I guess I just am needing help understanding the math to consider when determining which one makes the most financial sense. Please let me know if there is any other info that I can provide that would help make giving advice easier.

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Premiums for the year:

$5042 (ppo $3000 deductible plan) with hsa ($12,792 premium plus maximized hsa contribution)

$6947 (ppo $1500 deductible plan) with hsa ($14,697 premium plus maximized hsa contribution)

$8617 (epo $1000 deductible copay plan) without hsa

Copay Only with EPO $1000 deductible copay plan ($25 for primary care, $50 for specialist) and then 10% coinsurance


ppo $3000 – plan pays 70% I pay 30% after deductible

ppo $1500 – plan pays 80% I pay 20%

Epo $1000 – plan pays 90% I pay 10%


ppo $3000 – $6000 for family

ppo $1500 – $3000 for family

Epo $1000 – $2000 for family

Out of pocket maximum

ppo $3000 – $10,000

ppo $1500 – $8,000

epo $1000 – $6,000