Which of these plans make the most sense?

I have three choices through my employer. All do not allow out of network. The costs (pre-tax from paycheck) are:

UHC Navigate HDHP – $18.96 /wk. $5000 ded/ $6000 OOP

(30% coinsurance after ded)

UHC Choice Direct #2 – $84.47 /wk. $2000 ded/ $2500 OOP

($40 PCP, $60 Spec, $350ER) No copay after ded for most all services. (x-ray, lab and imaging have no copay when do at a freestanding center). 20% coinsurance for imaging, diagnostic, surgery, etc when at hospital) $200 per day inpatient services

UHC Choice Direct #3 – $96.94 /wk $0 ded/ $6350 OOP

($40 PCP, $60 Spec, $350ER) 20% coinsurance for imaging, diagnostic, surgery, etc when at hospital. $200 per day inpatient services.

I'm awaiting test results for a genetic cancer gene and trying to see what is best since I will require increased screenings and visits if mutation is found. This would all be for next year, premiums could change. I currently have the HDHP. I don't take any specialty drugs. To me, it seems like these all have the protentional to cost about the same in the end when looking at worst case scenarios. That makes me think I should just max out my HSA and stick with the HDHP. Please let me know thoughts and also if I am correct about them looking to cost very similar worst case. If any other info is needed please let me know. Thank you!

submitted by /u/ComaDivine34

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