Where Did I go Wrong with Covered CA Application to end up on Medi-Cal?

I was recently let go from a job where I made a little over $130K a year (this isn’t a humble brag, this will come into play). I signed up for Covered CA just under two months after my last day of coverage from my job and put that only myself and my two children would need healthcare as my wife is able to get it through work. I put in what my household income was going to be for the entire year – the amount I was paid from my job up to that point, plus the $450 a week in unemployment going forward and what my wife makes from a part time job – and it said that I qualified for Covered CA with a $1 a month savings and that my children qualified for medi-cal. So I paid for the month of Blue Shield Silver Plan for myself and sent in the forms to verify what my income is so that my children could get medi-cal. After not hearing anything for a few weeks, I just got four Medi-Cal cards in the mail including one for myself and my wife who I specifically noted did not need health coverage.

I checked the CoveredCA website and it’s kicking me off of Covered CA and putting me on Medi-Cal after my county did the income verification. In the letter that accompanied the cards it said that my household income is $1,600 and change under my name and my wife’s name but under my children’s names it said the income was $3,800 and change. They are six and four. They have no income.

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I tried to call the local office but they’re only open until 3:30 and had a recording when I called at 2 saying there’s too many people on hold and to just call back later. I called the main CoveredCA line and they weren’t able to assist. They told me to call the County.

So did I screw up the application by putting in all of the money that I had made up to that point in late June? Was I only supposed to put in what I was going to make going forward? I’m really just trying to make sure that I’m not taking advantage of a government assistance if I have no business being on it.