When giving birth, when does the deductible and out-of-pocket max go from the individual amount to family amount?

In this case, I have a HDHP with Cigna. As an individual, my deductible is $2500 and out-of-pocket max is $3250. For a family, the deductible is $5000 and out-of-pocket max is $6500.

I gave birth on April 10 and my child is to be added to my health insurance so it will go from individual to family.

I have hospital bills with the same service date on April 10. Under the EOB, some used the individual deductible/out-of-pocket max amount, so some services were 100% covered and I didn’t need to pay. Other EOB used the family deductible/out-of-pocket max so I did have to pay $$$ (note: these were billed a processed months later).

However, services occurred on the same day and same procedure (c-section surgery, emergency room and operation room cost, and anesthesia).

Why were different deductible and max amounts used? And when do the plans and amounts actually go from individual to family?

Edit to add: I don’t think my age, state, or income is relevant here but will add if it is.

submitted by /u/lola91718

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