What’s the point of a high deductible healthcare plan?

I'm trying to decide if I'm better off taking a high deductible plan or just not having health insurance. Located in NY.

I learned that after my advance premium tax credit, I would have to spend about $75/month on my premium and I would have a $4700 deductible, which is far more than I intend to spend on medical expenses over the course of the year, so I would effectively be paying for everything out of pocket unless something catastrophic happens to me.

My friend, who is uninsured, argues that there's no point in paying the $75 monthly premium, because even if something catastrophic happens (e.g. cancer diagnosis), I could just sign up for health insurance after being diagnosed and I couldn't be denied for having a pre-existing condition.

So my question is: what's the point of paying the $75 monthly premium? Why not just be uninsured, and I'd just get insurance if I get cancer or something similarly awful?

I'm probably being an idiot somehow, but honestly all the rules around this are so convoluted and I find it so stressful, and I would appreciate any help or advice or feedback on my situation.

Thank you kindly in advance!

submitted by /u/mytwocentsshowmanyss

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