What’s the number for Medicare?

First, let me premise this post with the fact that I know more than the average bear about health insurance. Just. I'm a disabled family physician, and have very serious lupus. I have health insurance through my husband's employer as primary and Medicare A and B as secondary(no D since I have credible drug coverage through the primary).

I ended up in the hospital/ICU in 2022 that went into 2023. My primary insurance in 2022 changed on 01-01-2023. My secondary stayed Medicare. I have spent AT LEAST 40+ hours on the phone trying to straighten this out. I got erroneously sent to collections. They still cannot figure it out. I called again today. She thought I had three insurances and wanted the phone number for…Medicare. It's 1800MEDICARE. They continue to bill everything wrong. Sigh.

I have already used a patient advocate with my primary insurance. I have had them put in tickets to progress my case up the chain without success. Short of calling patient liason, is there anything else I should do? Medicare will just deny, then it has to be refilled. This all wouldn't be a problem except they threw me into collections. I hate chasing this.

submitted by /u/genredenoument

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