What would be the best way to go about this??

Hypothetical question, if someone got covered by state funded health benefits legitimately (no income, below poverty line) and used said benefits to get on suboxone at no charge at the Pharmacy. Cleaned up from heroin and maintained on suboxone for a couple years. All while still unemployed with no income.

Then eventually got a job, a car, a promotion, bought a house, got a better job making 70,000/year with full benefits, health, dental, vision, pension. All the while using the state funded benefits because it covered the suboxone 100%

Never reported anything to them because they never asked and was just going with the flow. Fast forward a few years later getting script paid for every month never hearing anything from them

Then outta the blue gets a voice-mail asking me if there has been any changes in my address, income, etc.

Would reporting changes result in years of back pay? Would back pay be 100%? Would the job provided insurance be charged? Would job provided insurance drop coverage? Would ignoring voice-mail and not using state benefits anymore be a bad move?…… AM I SCREWED!? Lol

TLDR Been using state funded benefits to pay for medication for years despite growing out of the need for it. What’s the best way forward?

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