What to do when Quest diagnostics says bill not covered by insurance?

I've gotten maybe at least 10 bills in past few years where Quest diagnostics says insurance does not cover bill and then I call have to call back and forth my


Quest billing

My Doctor office

to get them to finally cover it – because someone made a mistake somewhere either:

one of those 3 entities didn't get EOB from one of the other 3 or

they tried to bill an insurance company from one of Dr.Seuss books instead of my actual insurance, BCBS, or

they billed me under the wrong gender or

they billed me with incorrect codes


At this point I wish there is a program that is automated that will deal with this for me and call the 3 entities for me and get them to double check their stuff because normally I am not the one figuring the Root Cause of the issue anyways. It is always a representative who figures out the root cause after I just tell them "hey, can you check this for me".

Does anyone have a guide or playbook or tips to automate some of these things?

submitted by /u/fuelnow

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