What to do if I can’t afford health insurance?

What to do if I can’t afford health insurance?

I have over 2000$ in assets so I can’t get Medicaid. With that being said my assets are still fairly small and paying a health insurance plan, my money will run out before the. End of the year. The cheapest plan I was offered on health care.gov (the marketplace) is 201$ a month I currently make 16$ and hour and pay 964 in rent, ( I have about 30hr weeks) ( I can not get a second job or more hours) the cheapest I can get in Florida, there is no way out of this. I’m just turned 26 so I’m loosing my moms health insurance. When I get home from Florida in January to move back with my parents (no other option till then) I will be going back to college, I will work a part time job makeing about 186 a week. What should I do? I would like to finish college And currently have students loans and additional credit card debt. I don’t have a car and take public transportation. After rent, I have about 400-800$ left (usually on the lower end) it goes to food and credit card debt *my college dose not offer health insurance for students

submitted by /u/LowSherbert1016

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