What should I do with a $318 bill for bloodwork?

I had bloodwork done all the way back in June. I had just lost my second insurance and didn’t think to ask how much it would be. I went for a regular check up and I believe I had it then because I had gone in again for another visit 2 weeks later.

I got the bill last month in the mail for around $480, which differs a bunch from the same website of the practice ($318). I called my insurance and they said I could file an appeal and until then the due date (tomorrow) would be on hold. Called billing dpt. for doctors office and they completely shut that down and said it will still be due.

The representative said I could do a payment plan or financial assistance, but I am not in the greatest situation to pay the amount, so is there a chance insurance would reimburse me if the appeal to them is successful? She also said that on their end all of the codes were all sent by the insurance so I’m not sure how much there is I could do.

The payment plan would be monthly (min around $55). Insurance requires an invoice from specialist in order to submit an appeal/claim, they won’t be there until Monday, however.

submitted by /u/_wigzzz432_

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