It is only me as my family unit.

We have three plans.

Option 1: HDHP $1600 coinsurance plan pays after deductible , out of pocket maximum is $2600. It covers preventative costs. Office primary is $25 copay after deductible. Specialist visit is $60 after deductible. Inpatient and outpatient services it covers 20% after deductible. Emergency room service is $250 after deductible. Urgent care is $100 copay after deductible. Referral for specialist is not required. Lifetime maximum benefits is unlimited (what is this?) cost per pay period is $82.71

Option 2: HDHP $3200 (co insurance plan pays after deductible). Individual is $3200 calendar year deductible. Out of pocket maximum is $3200 (deductible included). Preventative visits are covered. Office visit primary, and specialist, inpatient and outpatient services, emergency services, urgent care, referral for specialist required, it says deductible. For Lifetime Maximum Benefits it says unlimited. Cost per pay period is $76.93.

Option 3 same as option 2 except the deductible amount is $4500. Cost per pay period $62.29

Prescription drugs tier 1-4 is covered with option 2 and 3. Option 1: $10 for tier 1 copay after deductible. Tier 2: $35 copay after deductible. Tier 3:$55 copay after deductible. Tier 4: 25% after deductible or $300 max.

I am quite healthy. I average one patient surgery every 5 years or so. But I want to cover my bases.

submitted by /u/SaaSBDR

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