23F. I got this message from the billing dept at the hospital for an upcoming colonoscopy:

“The total estimated cost for your procedure before the contracted discount is $10,191.69. After we apply the discount for your Blue Cross insurance, the estimated price is $1,758.61. For your policy, you have a 20% coinsurance. This 20% coinsurance is going to apply to the full amount of the estimated price of $1,758.61. The coinsurance due once the 20% is applied is $351.72.”

I thought I would have to pay my deductible (5000) and/or OOP max (6600) before insurance pays anything. I called BCBS and they told me to have the hospital submit the claim before paying anything. They reassured me that the estimate seems to have been calculated correctly. It will be at an outpatient clinic. Not complaining if this 351.72 figure is correct, because I thought I would be paying way more, but I’m not understanding how they got to that figure.

submitted by /u/itsrainingpineapple

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