I am a type 1 diabetic and my doctor sent a prescription for glucose sensors and the pharmacy says they are waiting on insurance to clear the prior auth form. The doctor says they have sent it but when I call the ins co they say they either don’t have it or it hasn’t gone thru their 8 (EIGHT!!!) day review turnaround period.

Further, the rep on the phone wanted to lecture me about the process and how I should have had the doctor send it urgent or call them direct, as if I or the doctor has time to deal with all this nonsense. It was even more frustrating because the rep, who may deal with this dozens of times a week, expected me to know all of this even though I deal with it exactly zero times in a given week.

Yes, I have heard of and dealt with these forms before. But what purpose does this serve? Is the prescription not enough to prove that this medication is needed for my condition? What benefit does a prior auth form serve to consumers? It does nothing but add frustration to my life, the pharmacy’s life and the doctor’s life.

<end rant>

submitted by /u/liverdawg

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