What happens if I use my spouse’s insurance as primary instead of mine?

I made a mistake with my health insurance and now I'm facing a lot of problems. Here's what happened:

– I was on my spouse's insurance for years and I declined my company's plan.

– In 2020, I enrolled in a benefit program from my company, but I accidentally selected their insurance plan as well. I didn't notice this until later.

– I kept using my spouse's insurance as my primary one until two months ago, when a provider denied my coverage. That's when I found out that I had switched to my company's plan without knowing it.

– I contacted both insurance companies to sort out the issue. Going forward, I will use my company's plan for the rest of the year.

– However, I recently received a package in the mail that said all my claims from 2020 had been voided. My company's insurance only covers claims within one year of service. I called them again and explained the situation, but they said each claim is handled individually. I already started to contact some of my providers to resubmit the claims from 2020.

I'm very worried about how this will affect me financially and medically. How screwed am I?

submitted by /u/dnana8

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