What exactly is "household income"?

Hopefully I explain this correctly. I am in my 30's and live in Pennsylvania, USA. I applied for health insurance through Marketplace earlier this year using my gross annual income of $45,000. I was approved and received the subsidy so my premium was $265 per month instead of $650. Which was life saving for me because there was no way I could have afforded $650.

I was on this plan for 2 or 3 months. I got a new job that gave me benefits the date I started so I immediately canceled the Marketplace insurance to avoid penalties. All good there. A friend of mine recently told me I was supposed to use my household income not my individual income. I did not use household income because my dad is living with me (it's my house) but he works a part time job and gets SS. He does not give me money for utilities or rent. He is not a dependent because he pays for his own bills/expenses.

Will I still owe the difference in those premium amounts when I file my taxes next year? Does the state still consider my dad's income as part of my income even though I receive no money from him? I'm sort of freaking out over this because I can't afford to pay the difference in the monthly premiums. I need to know now so that I can try to start saving to pay if I do owe.

submitted by /u/cabinetsnotnow

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