What does "Lifetime Max Benefit" mean?

I have Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois – though I don't live in Illinois. I was excited that this plan was offered by my work as this insurance covers IVF. When I moved to full time and qualified for benefits, I got the most expensive plan, thinking that it would give the best benefits for IVF coverage. They are also in-network with our fertility clinic and doctor. My fertility clinic called them to verify benefits and informed me that my plan had a lifetime maximum coverage of $15,000. What does that mean? Does that mean that they will pay out a max of $15,000? Cuz honestly, with IVF that's like nothing. I just got the quote from my pharmacy for 2 of the 4 meds that I will need for 1 cycle, and they said that they would bill my insurance $10,000. With the other 2 of the meds I'm sure they will bill more than $15,000. So, is that like my entire coverage? Am I going to be on the hook for the other $30,000 or so that IVF costs if you pay cash?

Is anyone familiar with how this works? TIA

submitted by /u/Big_Literature_5842

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