What do I do? Changing health insurance from my employer to my husbands. More below.

We currently have insurance through my employer. They pay mine in full monthly, my husband’s and son’s is deducted from my paychecks. We are having a second child in June. We want to switch to insurance with my husband’s employer because I will be staying home with the kids.

The catch is, the only way to get on my spouse’s insurance is to provide them a “loss of coverage” letter. So here’s the thing, my insurance is amazing at my current job- not so great at my husbands job. My only concern is the birth because I know it can be expensive. This loss of coverage letter has to be submitted within 30 days of losing insurance. Is there anyway to have my insurance cover the birth? We can’t have our soon to be daughter covered as a “qualifying event” to enroll in my husband’s employer’s insurance since he isn’t currently on the plan with his job (per his benefit manager).

Should I just drop my husband from my job’s insurance now and get him to enroll with his job’s insurance before our daughter gets here? That way it’s a qualifying event (due in June and he’s enrolled with them). If i did this 1. Can I drop him from my insurance even though it’s not open enrollment? 2. When my daughter is born and we qualify to add her to his insurance, could I be added then too?

I hope this makes sense. My pregnancy brain may be overthinking this. My current employer doesn’t know I’m planning on leaving once I give birth either.

See also  United Healthcare has denied all claims this year for being "out of network" but they aren't? What to do?

submitted by /u/natnatjj