WEX/Chard Snyder deceptive business practices.

This has three parts. Part One: When using Chard Snyder FSA grace funds, Chard Snyder will request billing receipts to be submitted months after the purchases are made. If receipts are not provided it is required that you pay Chard Snyder back at which point the grace period has expired and the funds are relinquished to them. Part Two: The request for proof by receipt is specifically geared toward purchases for which obtaining a receipt is onerous: They specifically flag bills titled lab work or eye care for two reasons. Eye care typically doesn't have an online portal and HIPPA requires you to retrieve a receipt in person in these cases. Lab work charges are frequently outsourced and not available on mychart billing. Chard Snyder will be very up front that purchase verification with receipts is an IRS requirement. But these requests are solely on behalf of Chard Snyder. Simple low cost charges like office co-pay accessible through MyChart is ignored for receipt requests. They target higher bills from transactions where obtaining a receipt is difficult. Part Three: Chard Snyder compounds this effect by disabling any additional transactions on the FSA card. Preventing additional money from being spent which will then end up relinquished to them, pending you again don't retroactively submit receipts seeking reimbursement for charges during the card suspension. This suspicious practice is supported by plausible deniability because of IRS guidelines. Chard Snyder simply has to flag charges and wait hoping people will pay back money to them instead of providing receipts.

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submitted by /u/Wonderful_Maximum999