Want to apply for medi-cal but not sure if my mom will claim me on her taxes next year

So I live alone and I’m a full time student (well I have roommates because I’m in college). My dad is in our home-country and my mom is in California but she doesn’t live with me. I don’t work and I have never filed taxes.

I know in the past, she usually claims me on her taxes (that’s the agreement she had with my dad when they got divorced). However, I want to apply for Medi-Cal (bc I have no idea if I even have health insurance with her, and I’m trying to talk to her about it but she doesn’t respond — we don’t really have a relationship). Anyway, I really need health insurance.

From what I’m seeing in Medi-Cal’s website, it says that my mom should be included in my household size if she’s gonna claim me on her taxes… but what if I’m living alone and she doesn’t even really provide any support for me?

Does that mean I still have to count her with my household size when I’m applying for medi-cal? Also I’m not even sure if she’s still gonna claim me this year to be honest.

submitted by /u/Throwaway-Squash899

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