I purchased prescription progressive lenses and new frames from an optometrist in Budapest, Hungary (eOptika). This included an eye exam. I also purchased new contact lenses (30% less than in the US for exactly same brand/version). VSP normally covers either the glasses or contacts (not both). On the occasional years that I purchase new glasses, the reimbursement is better for the progressive lenses (glasses). Does anyone know if VSP will reimburse for prescription lenses purchased overseas? I know they offer insurance in the US, Canada, Australia & UK/Ireland, but they don't offer it in the EU as far as I know. Of course, that doesn't mean that they won't reimburse as out of network (my plan covers out of network at a lower reimbursement amount). Has anyone else ever done this before? I have the medical records (prescription, lens type/brand dispensed, etc). The receipt is in Hungarian forint, but my credit card statement converted it to US dollars.

submitted by /u/NumerousRelease9887

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