Virginia medicaid and choosing an MCO?

I've narrowed it to Aetna Better Health and Anthem healthkeepers plus. When I compare plans I am confused at the extra benefits it offers. Under Aetna Better health it says

To see a list of services covered by all plans, go to Basic health benefits.

Adult hearing 1 hearing exam, $1,500 for hearing aids, 60 batteries per year Adult vision 1 eye exam, $250 for glasses or contacts per year Healthy moms and kids 300 free diapers, virtual baby showers, portable cribs, $25 monthly for mom and baby Free swim lessons Mobile app with 24/7 lactation and doula support $20 monthly for menstrual products Free yearly sports physicals Phone and online tools Free smartphone, unlimited minutes, texts, data, 10 GB hotspot Wellness programs MyActiveHealth management 12-week personalized weight management program Wellness rewards

Other benefits 30 free round-trip rides per year 14 meals after hospital stay GED certificate incentive Therapeutic shoes or inserts Windows, door alarms, Smart Alert app for Alzheimer’s Free mattress, bedding, $150-$400 per year for carpet cleaning for asthma

Anthem's other benefits cover less. How would one get approval for a new mattress? I have an old one and have asthma. Also would having medicaid conflict with medicare through kaiser? That question isn't for me but for my mother whose a senior.

submitted by /u/gtownsweet

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