Very new to health insurance and could use some assistance.
Hello everyone I am very new to having health insurance and could use some help in understanding how this works.
I’m currently $2k away from my OOP but want to pay that $2k on a payment plan before it’s payed off by end of year.
All of the doctors, services, specialists, etc are starting to send me bills showing I have a 20% copay.
How do I decide which to pay towards? Also when I eventually payoff $2k worth of all these bills I’m getting then what?
Will the offices know to resubmit to insurance now that my OOP has been met? Or do I need to somehow contact all of them after I paid off the $2k.
I have bills coming from EVERYWHERE as there were complications with my ERCP so trying to figure out how to navigate this billing.
Insurance “should” cover anything after $2k but right now I’m receiving bills showing I owe the 20%.
American Healthcare is such a nightmare. I wish hospitals billed everything together to keep it easier to understand and navigate.
Thanks so much for any insight or info!