(US)Just found out this morning I am being laid off, no idea what to do with health insurance.

I am a 25 year old who lives in NY but works in NJ and just had a meeting this morning that I am going to be laid off tomorrow. I will be getting a severance of around 10k, my vacation time paid out and I will get my bonus. I get a paycheck tomorrow too, my last.

I have an emergency fund, and thankfully moved back to my parents during covid and didn’t move back out yet so financially, I will be okay until I find another job. My parents will help me and I can find part time work until I find another SWE job.

I am scared, however, because I got the email and it says my benefits end tomorrow which include dental, health and vision. I actually have some medical issues that I’m going through, and while not life threatening…idk what to do since my insurance is gonna get cut. It’s totally fucked insurance is tied to the employer, but I’ll spare the politics right now.

I think tomorrow first thing I need to apply for unemployment in…new jersey or new york? Then I need to look into either COBRA or medicare, and will begin applying to jobs starting Saturday but I wanna get the technicals and healthcare stuff situated first. Should I call my health insurance and see what they say? I thought you get a grace period of a few months if you’re fired or laid off. I believe COBRA I pay for the health insurance totally myself? Might be worthwhile least for a few months.

I had a good review and everything, this was a total surprise… but that’s life I guess. Fuck man :/

See also  Cigna help, claim denied

The health insurance question is scaring the fuck out of me. I don’t know wtf to do.