Using Health Insurance Reform to Reduce Disparities in Diabetes Care

Using Health Insurance Reform to Reduce Disparities in Diabetes Care


By Christine Monahan and Jalisa Clark

The affordability of diabetes care is a national issue. Even with insurance, diabetic patients can spend thousands of dollars on medication, supplies, and health services. These costs can present a particular burden on Black families. Black and Hispanic patients face disproportionally high hospitalizations and emergency department visits due to diabetes complications, emphasizing that affordable access to diabetes care is an issue of health equity. Several states have decided to implement innovative health equity policies designed to reduce the out-of-pocket costs of diabetes care and improve the quality of diabetes care coverage.

In a new post for the Commonwealth Fund’s To the Point blog, CHIR’s Christine Monahan and Jalisa Clark highlight the different approaches states are taking to expand affordable access to diabetes management and reduce disparities in care for diabetic patients. You can read the full post here.

This entry was posted in State of the States and tagged diabetes, health equity, insulin, racial health disparities by CHIR Faculty. Bookmark the permalink.

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