USA- Is having continuous coverage important?

So I switched jobs and since my old company is kinda petty, they did not renew my insurance for the 1st 10 days of September I was still employed with them (they said they have to pay full month premium and if I wanted to have insurance, I should pay for 20 days worth of it). Since I was going to get insurance on the first day of my job, I didn’t bother with it and purchased an independent plan from Axis for a month. Now that I’ve my insurance with my new company, I realized I don’t need the Axis one even for this month, and they have a 30 day free look period so I decided to cancel and get a full refund. But this would effectively mean that I had no coverage since Sep 1. So roughly 17-18 day break in coverage. Will this hamper me when I try to buy insurance on my own next time something like this happens? I’ve a pre existing condition so anyway I wasn’t eligible for most independent plans I checked online. I know I’ll have cobra as an option, but just wanted to confirm if a break in insured periods causes damage like auto insurance does with increased premiums, etc.

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