Urgent help needed. *Long post(sorry)

So I will try to explain this situation to the best of my ability. I am super stressed right now. I’m also not the best at communication sometimes. So I will do my best to keep watch so I can clarify anything if needed.

So I have an Anthem Pathway X plan through the marketplace. I had to resign from my last job at the end of 2021 after I exhausted my short term disability. I had a major health issue that required me to get both my hips replaced at 28 years old. Avascular Necrosis for anyone interested.

So when I had to resign they had the income from my short term disability to go on. I qualified for a low income tax credit though because I didn’t work like normal for a full year. I don’t know the exact amount, but can find out if it’s needed to help.

So anyways I have had zero income this year except for around $750 or so from unemployment the last few weeks. Ill come back to this later. Mainly my mom has been assisting me. She sold the house I was supposed to inherit, and moved closer to me to help.

Her helping me was supposed to stand in for me not inheriting the house, and property. There was no official arrangement or anything though. More like an unspoken agreement. She has paid my phone, health insurance, car insurance, and assisted me with other things usually through cash app.

After I recovered from both surgeries I was unable to return back to my job. After I ran out of short term disability before I tried to return, but they couldn’t accommodate me. So I was forced to resign basically, or else I would have been let go for attendance.

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Now I am in school full time. I just recently started drawing unemployment due to me having to leave for medical reasons, and me being a student through the WIOA program. I am not sure yet how long I will be able to draw it next year though. So I have to assume it will most likely be less than $20k which is the threshold for the tax credit I got for insurance through the marketplace.

If I don’t do anything at the end of the year I’m pretty sure that it will just automatically renew. I will have a higher premium, but that’s not an issue. The issue is when I called the marketplace just now. He said due to me making less this year. I would have to pay around $200 or so more a month for the same insurance.

I was wondering if I didn’t say anything, and let it auto renew if it would be tax fraud or something due to the tax credit. I am desperate right now, or I would never consider this. I am unable to work right now due to being full time at school, limitations on going back to previous line of work, and all that.

I have medical expenses from the surgeon for any further work/visits next year. I got financial assistance that I will probably get again from the hospital there though. So that’s not the issue.

The problem is that I am a former IV heroin addict, and am bipolar type 1. I take Suboxone, and see a psychiatrist every month that I wouldn’t be able to afford without insurance. Not taking these medications is absolutely not an option.

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My dad told me I should call, and lie to them about my income at the marketplace. He is also jaded a’f, and hates the government though so yeah. Not doing that.

I was also going to call the financial assistance line for my insurance, but hung up when I was on hold. I didn’t wanna tell them about my situation until I was sure that I was out of other options.

Any advice or help would be much appreciated. I’ve really been struggling lately due to stress from school, and pain. I have to go see surgeon this week to have him figure out if something is wrong with replacement due to the pain I’ve been in recently. So I may have potential issues with my hip again to deal with next year.