Urgent Care is forcing my gf to pay $180 for telling her to put ice on a hornet sting

My girlfriend went to urgent care in early August because her leg was swelling up. She and I figured it was a bug bite but she was has having trouble working, so she was advised to go to an urgent care by her coworkers. When she was there the doctor informed her that it was just a hornet sting and all she needed to do was rest and put some ice on it. When she went to get the bill the front desk told her it was covered by her Medicaid. 2 months late she received a bill in the mail saying that she needs to pay $180 for her appointment because her insurance wasn’t covered? The urgent care states that Medicaid is covered.

After her appointment she was taken off Medicaid, so it should’ve covered it. We also don’t really have a ton of access to her insurance info because her mom is no help and doesn’t know where any paperwork or insurance cards are located.

What should we do? $180 dollars for telling her to use an ice pack is insane, you don’t need a medical decree to know that ice helps with pain. Especially 2 months later after telling her to not pay.

submitted by /u/Ok_Syrup6925

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