Urgent care billed visit as $5500 ER visit for just some fluids??

I showed up to my local hospitals Urgent Care during Urgent care hours and asked to see Urgent care as I was nauseous and had yellow eyes. I had recently gotten sick during a hiking trip and it had caused some bilirubin build up.

Anyways they did some blood tests and confirmed this, and gave me some fluids. 45 minutes later as soon as the fluids were done I was on my way.

Now two weeks later I get my bill, and I have a charge for $3700 as an emergency visit on top of all the lab work.

I had went and asked to see Urgent Care, at the desk labeled at urgent care, through the door with URGENT CARE on a big sign on it, and was there for 45 minutes.

Total bill with lab work was 5500, for 45 minutes of getting some fluids and being sent on my way.. What the heck?

My deductible is 2800 and this bill was 2900 so it looks like it's they want me to pay 2800 for some fluids and some lab work (the lab work I understand, but it was less. Than 15% of the total bill)

So lab work aside that's a 4800 bill for some fluids.. Being billed as ER.. At Urgent care.

No way this charge is right? Do I have any recourse? I only went to urgent care since my plan has 2 allowed in network urgent care visits with a $75 copay or something.

Any help would be appreciated.

Billing code was 99284-25

submitted by /u/SyrupLover25

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