My son should be starting Medicaid on 8/1. That fight was won. He averages making only $10,400 a year and was knocked off for unknown reasons.

Back to my wife and myself. We were knocked off Medicaid 6/1. We currently have $4,000 in meds, including insulin which we can’t afford to pick up at the pharmacy. I’ve canceled medical visits and testing that we have waited months for under Medicaid.

The truth of the matter is no one in the entire state of NJ Human Services offices understands what I am trying to do. Some of the emails I get look like they are written by 3rd graders. It is sad!

I have a “bronze” plan with a $12k deductible that covers almost nothing. I have low enough income where I am always on open enrollment. I want to see my cost and upgrade to a silver or gold plan. I was just put into this Bronze plan without anyone speaking to me automatically. A 5% plan discount doesn’t cut it.

I have seriously written to every state and federal politician at this point. I am hoping someone understands me and gets this done, since Human Services doesn’t seem to have the capability to do so.

My local state senator, his office tried and got nowhere. Federal Senator Menendez answered with a form letter. That is where I stand right now.

It shouldn’t be this hard to get insurance that covers something.

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