Unusual disclaimer in employer provided health insurance? Employer pays health care bills not insurance?

I was looking over the definitions of health insurance terms section within my employee benefits guide. There is standard stuff explaining HSA's, coinsurance etc, along with this disclaimer

Who Pays Your Medical Claims?

INSERT EMPLOYER NAME pays your medical claims, not an insurance company. Your premiums are impacted by the cost of these claims. In order to keep health care plans affordable, be a smart health care consumer by getting regular checkups, using urgent care or telemedicine instead of the emergency room, and making healthy choices.

Has anyone else seen this before? I work for a very large, corporate entity. The plan is Anthem BCBS PPO. I've hit my out of pocket max early this year due to a freak accident, so all follow up care has been 100% covered (5K worth). Now I'm wondering if this disclaimer means anything, like I might be at risk of an increased premium in the future because I had HDHP with a very low premium.

submitted by /u/ToyotaCorollaFail

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