UnitedHealthcare Customer Service Fail

I just got off the phone with CS at UnitedHealthcare. She seemed nice at first but has a heavy Indian accent. I kept asking her to talk slowly, but especially when it can to numbers or details, she spoke very fast and had to repeat several times, making the call much longer than necessary.

When I asked if a specific hospital was in my network. She put me on hold and cane back and spoke very fast. I said does that mean x hospital is in my network as it sounded like yes? She asked me to spell the hospital to verify. She put me on hold again and came back and said no, they were not. Her language skills were very very poor!

The thing is, when you get these people that don’t do a good job, they somehow have a way of not putting you into the feedback system at the end of the call.

How is it that CS has the ability to circumvent the feedback loop? I was asked to stay in the line at the end of the call to give feedback, but was never connected. This means they can avoid the worst feedback…leaving us to leave comments here on Reddit.

submitted by /u/Phoenix_GU

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