I lost my job at the end of April. I declined COBRA, as my girlfriend, whom I live with, works for a company that allows domestic partner coverage. So, I had my gf add me as a dependent and thought I was in the clear.

As it turns out, we had to jump through a few hoops to prove domestic partnership, which my gf had not made me aware of at the time. One is a requirement that we must have lived together for at least 12 months. Unfortunately I moved in with her 8 months ago. Because of this, I was recently kicked off of coverage retro the effective date and am now uninsured.

I’m nervous because I can no longer sign up for COBRA (not that I wanted it anyway for $700 a month), but it appears I also cannot sign up for an ACA plan since I’m now past the 60 day window.

I’m 31 and healthy, so only need catastrophic/cheap coverage as a stop gap while I continue to search for a new job. What can I do at this point?

submitted by /u/Such_Willingness8934

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