Uninsured and might qualified for medicaid, but confused.

Hello all!

I lost insurance on 10/31 due to turning 26 years old. On 11/1 I applied for marketplace health insurance. After completing the form, Healthcare.gov said I may be eligible for medicaid. It said my state (georgia) will decide if I am approved or not. It did not give me the option to apply for other forms of insurance.

Here is what I am confused about. How long does it take for me to get approved or denied? The internet says up to 45 and in some cases over 45 days. So, what do I do if open enrollment ends and I still haven't been approved? If I get denied outside of open enrollment, what do I do? Open enrollment ends before the "60 days of losing coverage" qualifying event, so how do I get insurance from that perspective?

I am a stay at home mom. I could have gotten insurance through my husband's job during their enrollment period, but it was very expensive and I thought I could just get it through marketplace easier than this. His monthly income is $2,200.

This is all very confusing to me and I feel like I am in the dark. No one from the medicaid phone number will answer me, it's all just automated answering options.

submitted by /u/Legitimate_Ocelot718

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