Unemployed girlfriend got notice of no longer being qualified for state(CO) Medicaid program with no reason listed

Hello all, today we got some mail earlier today from coaccess that stated my gf "no longer qualifies for health first Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program)" and immediately goes into discussing "other" choices without saying why, when it stops functioning, etc. The only contact information is for speaking with assistants to find new plans and apply for financial aid. Is there any way we can figure out what the hell actually happened?

She's been without income for about 2 years now, and was qualified and on the insurance well before winter of 2022 when the Omnibus bill passed. We're wondering what reasons there would/could be for losing state medicaid she's had for years now and had a year of employment during, before this omnibus bill that all the resources we find state is the reasoning for losing the coverage. We're going to try and call some folks on Saturday or likelier Monday, but wanted to know if anyone might have some additional info because it's scary as hell to get a notice that nsurance is gone and you need to find a private/new policy, but nothing else.

submitted by /u/toobjunkey

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