Understanding my insurance billing

Hey all, so I’m totally lost on my health insurance. Back story, 2 weeks ago I woke up and the left side of my face was paralyzed. Later that night I went to the ER and they put me on stroke alert but quickly ruled it out after my CT came back clear and then I was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. Well I was on my insurance website poking around and I found several claims for that specific visit. 3 were done by the doctors names and they all were accepted or whatever and then one was under the actual hospital name “medical center of etc etc” and that one was apparently “denied or out of network”? this is a copy of what the denied claim says from my insurance site.

“A total of $65,995.19 was denied or out of network. The Explanation of Benefits for this claim is not yet available to download. Based on the processed date, it should be available by 06/23/23. You owe: Copay* $0.00 Coinsurance* $405.30 Total $405.30 *You are responsible for the coinsurance amount of $405.30, which was applied to your maximum out of pocket total.”

If it says that $65,000 was denied then why does it say I only owe $405? I don’t understand how this stuff works!!! Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Wild-Culture6654

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