UMR United Healthcare Choice Plan

My employer just emailed saying that we are switching from BCBS to UMR. I have never heard of UMR but from using their find a provider tool they have no mental health providers or mental health hospitals. I was also struggling to find my PCP. My biggest worry is not having my therapist and mental health nurse practitioner covered under my insurance, I have been seeing them for about 4 years now and don’t want to switch. My employer under one of their six bullet points said they were partnering with a virtual therapy service and some other online resources for EAPs. I can’t imagine UMR doesn’t cover mental health and I couldn’t imagine my employer choosing not to cover mental health as my employer is one of the biggest mental health and substance abuse treatment providers in the USA.

I know I am going to be stressed when November 4th comes around and open enrollment starts. Trying to figure everything out in a limited number of days with no information yet is going to stress me out.

Edit: I am 30 years old, female, live in Tennessee, and gross about $68,000 a year

submitted by /u/Lesbehonest_5008

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