Hey all. I am pregnant and I went to the ED yesterday with a few concerning symptoms. ED ran some tests and they were concerned that they could not deliver me at my gestation so they admitted me At our parent hospital overnight for observation and I’ll hopefully be discharged tonight. While I thought this was still an ER encounter, apparently I am considered to be admitted. My UMR plan requires prior authorization for hospital admission.

Here’s the thing; 1) who is responsible for obtaining this prior authorization? Obviously being admission from ED, it would seem strange that the patient would be responsible. 2) I asked registration and she said she doesn’t handle prior auth and I would have to call. 3) UMR prior auth team is closed on the weekend… umm, hello?! How are you supposed To obtain said prior auth then?

I’m very frustrated right now. This is not what I should be stressing about in the hospital bed.

submitted by /u/Quirky_Gal

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