As a traveling nurse I had to find some form of healthcare cover for myself and family. The company I contracted through had a preferred vendor and with a vague yet positive response from the HR team I added myself, wife, and child onto UMR. Now terms were not throughly explained on how exactly this coverage worked but it was a rather expensive plan and I chose the cheaper of the two options available. I.e. $1100/month versus $1400/month for BASE healthcare coverage. I soon ran into issues with the service as I noted medical arrears in excess of $800 were subtracted from my first three checks as “guarantor” that I would maintain coverage until the end of my contract month which happens to call on the 27th of this month. So, UMR proceeds to take this money and assure me that my plan is actually quite good, it will coverage a good amount, and boy was I duped. For UMR to cover ANY percentage in or out of network I had exceed $5,000 as a deductible. In the medical field that’s not a large amount, but I’m young and healthy, so is my family. But UMR will not cover my routine lab work, physical, telehealth, and their partners are OptumRX are just as useless. So, currently I am playing phone tag with these jagholes, demanding answers on why they will not cover one iota of routine care while requiring me to sell a damn kidney to just have “coverage”. Ill be demanding a refund but fat chance of that happening, we will see. Although, I’d like to just have a singular entity to hold these thieves accountable. I’m all for free market but to gouge individuals within the middle class is disgusting. Oh well, kinda a warning to others, kinda a rant.

See also  Osun govt enrols inmates, 206659 others into health insurance scheme - Daily Sun

submitted by /u/Correct_Avocado_5566