UHC Plan Rewards/Walmart – Walmart took rewards scam?

Every year UHC bugs the living hell out of me and my dad (sometimes trying to setup appts through each other) to do their House Call appt. Usually you get a pretty good "reward" for it. This year I got a certain amount and my dad got a certain amount. We are both broke right now so we went to Walmart to use our rewards. Walmart declined both our UHC cards trying to use the rewards. Turns out they took the money and declined it. My dad called UHC and had to talk to 6 different people just to be told we were there an hour before we actually were and used the card and it went through. Problem is, we couldn't be there an hour before. He was with me in a therapy session. We have Google maps and Google timeline. So is this happening to others? What is Walmart/UHC doing about it? Doesn't seem like much. I also realized I was hit for the amount I tried to spend and it didn't go through. I just didn't know it took from my account until just now.

About a year ago, Walmart money center took out utility bill money through UHC but didn't actually pay the bill. It never went through but Walmart had the "money". That was an utter fiasco that got 2 employees totally pissed at us and held a grudge for a long time. A manager knew about it but the employees flat out refused to help us. The manager had to override them and really I don't know what the deal was with them.

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So anyone else experience this??

submitted by /u/speakofdedevil