I need help..

To provide some context, my water broke in December of 2022 when I was only 32 weeks along. This was my 2nd child and I had a previously uncomplicated birth with my first under the same OBGYN practice, at the same hospital, while still working with the same employer/health insurance provider.

I went to the hospital to confirm my water broke and they decided to admit me to stop labor and try to keep my son inside me as long as possible. This was a Monday night. He ended being born the following Saturday and I was released from the hospital that Sunday, while he spent the next 3 weeks in the NICU at the same hospital. I spent my entire stay in the same room, under the same doctor’s care, the entire time.

Fast forward almost a year later, I get a bill in the mail from the hospital, JUST for my ‘room and board’ prior to my son’s birth and it’s being charged as ‘out-of-network’. EVERY other bill we received during this entire hospital stay was in-network and covered, as I had met my deductible at that point.

My medical care the entire stay, my room and board after I gave birth, my son’s entire NICU stay, the epidural bill.. all charged as in-Network. The only thing charged as out-of-network was my room and board prior to giving birth.

Does this make any sense? Can your medical condition/reason for being in the hospital change the fact that something is considered in-network vs. out-of-network?

submitted by /u/SkinnyJeanSidePart2

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