UHC Has No Transparency On Benefits

Mostly a rant but also seeing if others are having similar issues. I feel like our healthcare provider UHC keeps changing the coverage on us. They also no longer provide written documents to show your coverage – everything is digital. So if they change anything, there’s no documentation as to when or even proof that they did. Also why is therapy categorized as “behavioral” as opposed to medical and why is it treated so differently from your regular medical coverage? My mental health definitely impacts my mental health as multiple studies prove. Also, why can’t I see which visits actually went towards my deductible in the first place?

So in essence, I have been going to therapy virtual since last year at least. Last year, virtual visits were 100% covered through the year for us. This coverage ended with the new year but they brought back 100% coverage for virtual visits beginning April 1. My therapist called UHC to confirm also and the visit cost will not go towards the deductible. On April 13, I had a virtual visit with my therapist (this is the claim in dispute). UHC tells my therapist it’s not eligible for the 100% coverage until the deductible is met. I call UHC and ask about it, the “behavioral” support people go through my benefits and say it should be covered 100% as it is a virtual visit and does not go through my deductible so they put in a claim. Say it’ll take 15-21 days to finish processing. Call over a month later due to no change or response or anything. They say the visit is not 100% covered and will not be until the deductible is met. Also, I looked at the UHC website again and the app and they make it very difficult to see what your actual benefits are and what’s written is very different from the last time I called and visited the website. So…what gives??????

See also  Having a baby and I’m confused about how that will impact our deductible.

Also, I understand that I am privileged to have access to healthcare in the first place especially with coverage for mental health (or as they call it “behavioral” health).