Just to make sure I have this right. It’s open enrollment on the health care government website. I had “insurance” with my employer but they didn’t cover anything even though they gave me a list of what they cover. It was a complete lie. So I canceled it this year. The latest information actually admits it’s not insurance. What ever that means. Very strange.

Now I go on the government marketplace page and apply for the credit to get insurance. I found a credit but only cause I lied about my employer offering “insurance”. I found I can get Blue Cross for free after the credit. It will make seeing the doctor cheaper.

From what I see I’m being forced to either take the “insurance” that my job allows me to pay for that doesn’t cover anything or pay Blue Cross almost $700/mo. That’s laughable (the 700/mo, I mean).

So the employer “insurance” is locking me out of real insurance unless I pay full price? That seems wrong to me.

I think it’s cheaper and easier to pay cash for the treatments.

See also  If I have a chronic condition and know I will need surgery, is a $0 deductible health plan with $1800 OOP max and 20-25% coinsurance a good idea? It is $43/month for me. A few questions in the post. TIA.