Turning 26 very soon, unemployed but interviewing

I’ve made a big mistake and waited to figure out health insurance until a week before my 26th birthday, so any advice will be much appreciated.

I have United Healthcare insurance through my dad’s work but they say my coverage will expire the day before my birthday (I checked with them to make sure, it doesn’t extend to the end of the month or the calendar year). I am unemployed and have been for most of this year, but I’m currently applying for jobs and interviewing at a job that would offer health insurance coverage.

I virtually meet with a therapist weekly and also have an NP that manages my meds for ADHD. I’ve got 90 days of my meds stocked up (except for the damned Vyvanse, curse you big pharma) in preparation to lose coverage.

As I see it with my limited research so far, I have the following options:

Go the ACA route and get signed up for a healthcare plan that works somewhat with my needs and is something I can manage to afford. With this option, I’m not sure what I would do when I do end up getting a job with insurance and a salary that moves me clear of the unemployed category and the benefits that affords with income. Would I just switch over or would I have to wait until a qualifying life event?

Get a short-term plan through UHC that covers me at least enough for accidents/tragedies that may occur while I’m trying to secure a job with health insurance. Looks like I’d be dealing with somewhat high premiums and deductibles here and may have to sacrifice/negotiate rates with my therapist and medications.

See also  Dawn Moskowitz: April 1 cutoff of health insurance endangers thousands of us - vtdigger.org

Completely wing it and hope I don’t get hit by a bus while I hopefully find employment I’m looking for.

Some helpful info about me:

Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. I’ve searched for posts with the turning 26/unemployed situation but haven’t found one that quite matched mine. Thanks, everybody!